Tecla mantenimiento

What is a CMMS?

Hexa Ingenieros allows you to adapt the dimensioning of this software to the size of your factory, also adjusting the cost of the tool, without paying for utilities that are not going to be used.

How a CMMS works

The information in a CMMS database supports various system functions, which enable the following capabilities:
  • Manpower and resource management
Track available employees and equipment certifications. Assign specific tasks and gather teams. Organize shifts and manage payment matters.
  • Asset register
Store, access and share asset information such as: -Manufacturer, model, serial number and class and type of equipment. -Costs and associated codes. -Location and position. -Performance and downtime statistics. -Documentation, videos and associated images, such as repair manuals, safety procedures and guarantees. -Availability of meters, sensors and instrumentation of the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Work order management
Normally seen as the CMMS main function, work order management includes information such as: -Number of work order. -Description and priority. -Type of order (repair, replacement, scheduled). -Cause and solution codes. -Assigned personnel and materials used. Likewise, work order management also includes capabilities to: -Automate the generation of work orders. -Reservation of materials and equipment. -Schedule and assign employees, crews and shifts. -Check status and track downtime. -Record planned and actual costs. -Attach documentation, repair and associated security means.
  • Preventive Maintenance
Automate work order initiation based on time, usage, or triggered events. Use preventative maintenance to organize and associate assets across multiple orders. Sequence and schedule preventive work orders.
  • Materials and inventory management
Inventory, distribute and recover equipment and materials for maintenance and repair operations in storage areas, distribution centers and facilities. Manage vendors, track inventory costs, and automate replenishment.
  • Reports, analysis and auditing
Generate reports on all maintenance categories, such as asset availability, material usage, labor and material costs, and vendor evaluations. Analyze information to understand asset availability, performance trends, MRO inventory optimization, and other information to support business decisions and collect and organize information for audits. Ingeniera en industria

What are the benefits of a CMMS

Asset Visibility Centralized information provided in the CMMS database allows teams to instantly access information about an asset, including when it was purchased, its maintenance records, frequency of breakdowns, parts used, and efficiency ratings, among other things. . Workflow visibility Dashboards and visualizations can be adjusted to technician and other roles to assess status and progress in virtually real time. Maintenance teams can quickly discover where an asset is, what it needs, who should be working on it, and when. Automation Automating manual tasks like ordering parts, replenishing MRO inventory, scheduling shifts, compiling information for audits and other administrative tasks helps save time, reduce errors, improve productivity, and focus teams on maintenance, non-administrative tasks. Optimized processes All parties involved can view and track work orders. Details can be shared between mobile devices to coordinate work in the field with operational centers. The distribution and use of materials and resources can be prioritized and optimized. Field workforce management Managing the internal and external field workforce can be complex and expensive. CMMS and EAM (enterprise asset management system) capabilities can cost-effectively unify and deploy internal teams and external partnerships. The latest EAM solutions offer advancements in connectivity, mobility, augmented reality, and blockchain to transform operations in the field. Preventive Maintenance CMMS data enables maintenance operations to move from a reactive to a proactive approach, so that an advanced asset maintenance strategy can be developed. Data derived from daily activities, as well as sensors, meters, and other IoT instrumentation can provide information on processes and assets, inform preventive actions, and trigger alerts before assets fail or underperform. Coherence and knowledge transfer Documentation, repair manuals, and media capture maintenance procedures can be stored in CMMS and associated with the corresponding assets. Capturing and maintaining this knowledge creates consistent procedures and workmanship. It also preserves that knowledge so that it is transferred to new technicians, rather than walking out the door with departing personnel. Compliance management Compliance audits can be detrimental to maintenance operations and asset-intensive businesses as a whole. CMMS data exponentially facilitates an audit by generating responses and reports tailored to the demands of an audit. Health, security and environment In line with compliance management, CMMS and EAM provide central reporting on safety, health and environmental issues. The goals are to reduce risk and maintain a safe operating environment. CMMS and EAM can facilitate investigations to analyze recurring incidents or defects, incident traceability and corrective actions, and process change management.]]>