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The inevitable safety of workers in Industry 4.0

Guarantee the safety In industries, whatever continuous improvement strategy is implemented and applied, it includes an essential component, which is employee and work safety (occupational risk management and accident prevention and safety of information systems). Today it should be inconceivable that a company would operate normally and, all the more reason, would want to be efficient, without taking into account industrial risk and preventing occupational risks in the different workplaces. In fact, the entire production chain can be affected, for example, by the intrusion of a cyber attack. Therefore, it is important to offer cybersecurity solutions to protect industrial facilities and infrastructures. Industrial hazard can be defined as an accidental event occurring at an industrial site that causes serious immediate consequences for personnel, property and the environment. Therefore, it is important to guarantee individual and collective protection. It should be noted that occupational health and safety go hand in hand and must be two top priorities for any industry. In addition, the normative aspect is categorical. It is forbidden for any operator to carry out dangerous tasks without being properly equipped. Likewise, the law defines the criminal responsibility of the company administrator who must imperatively put and apply security instructions.

Industrial safety of employees is crucial

In the industrial sector, this mainly refers to the security of operators and personnel in general (security engineer, IT security manager, quality manager, security consultant, security officer, project manager, team leader , etc.). It is undeniable that by ensuring that the work environment is free of hazards (falling objects, the operator himself falling at his job, exposure to chemical products, dangerous or toxic fumes, high risks of electrocution, lack of safety measures and health, etc.), occupational accidents are reduced and, therefore, absenteeism. However, it is well known that absenteeism is one of the worst enemies of performance and a powerful brake on continuous improvement. For this reason, it is important to implement an occupational risk prevention approach, safety regulations and an environmental protection strategy. Consequently, managers must conduct security visits, inspections, audits and vulnerability analyzes of the company to assess risks and ensure compliance with good practices. On the other hand, the worker cannot be asked to be productive and feel fully involved in his mission if he does not feel safe on industrial sites. Every industrial company must have a good control of industrial risks to avoid professional illnesses or labor incidents. Trabajador con el equipamiento de seguridad

Digitizing Procedures

Specified in writing and integrated into the company’s industrial documentation, the procedures must be digitized based on a logic of continuous improvement. The digitization of procedures, which describe in particular the organizations, the working methods, the workers, the services affected and the tools to be implemented, makes them more efficient while contributing to the protection and security of employees, information and the means of production. The procedures contain the security measures to be applied on a day-to-day basis and in the event of an incident. Digitized, they are easier to transmit, update, and protect against destruction or loss, whether accidental or caused by malicious action.

Adapt tools and communication

If written instructions are important and even essential, visual elements have an even greater impact because they promote understanding while arousing the interest of the agents involved. Focused on visual perception, visual management tools are precisely intended to improve communication with the different actors of the company. We can take the very simple example of a panel used to run regular meetings within the shop itself to discuss essential issues, including personal safety and performance. Short but regular sessions, where relevant indicators are analyzed and instructions are recalled to allow the teams to stay on track with the established objectives. Visual management emphasizes the simplification of information, its legibility and its availability, putting it at the service of security in particular and continuous improvement in general.]]>