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Industry challenges and opportunities today

Skilled labor gap Thanks to the massive arrival of new technologies, production companies have less need for workers. However, they need employees with different skill sets. Specific tasks related to manufacturing have been automated. Machine sensors have become wildly common in the industry. They are used to collect significant amounts of information and with this type of innovation, the composition of work in the industry is changing. Manufacturers now require workers with high-tech skills. Employees are required who are proficient in mathematics and have an analytical mind. Also, a breakthrough in the augmented reality industry, combined with virtual reality, makes it easy for manufacturers to train on the job and reduce costs.

Machine intelligence

Industry is increasingly using the Internet of Things. Most companies have already implemented the technology or are about to implement the machines of the Internet of Things. These smart machines help companies gather useful information that can help them improve productivity and implement predictive maintenance. But gathering information is a relatively easy task. Analyzing and aggregating the collected data is the most challenging part, hands down. Although companies already have the machines on their shelves, most of them do not have the system to analyze and extract the information that the system captures. In this particular sense, the industry is missing a very important opportunity. The entire industry needs to improve data mining capabilities. In this way, they will be in a position to make better decisions in real time. Implementing the Internet of Things designed to help manage analytics and predictive maintenance is essential. Monitoring technology can help the industry analyze its data quickly. In addition, it will help to predict the maintenance period of an asset. As a result of this, the industry will shift from replace or repair maintenance to a prediction and repair model. In order to implement an efficient and adequate system, nothing better than the experience and knowledge of a specialized consulting firm such as Hexa Ingenieros. Cadena de montaje coches

Self-service customer app

Most manufacturing companies focus on the timely delivery of commodities. In addition, they seek to maximize profits and income. However, customer self-service has fallen by the wayside. Customer-facing portals and applications have been common in the industry. All customers who need information are forced to use their phones to contact the manufacturer and this has been a frustrating task for customers, especially in this digital age. Industry customers consist of partners, end consumers, and subcontractors. All three customers have unique needs, requirements, and concerns for partnering and interacting with the manufacturer. With isolated end customer and partner portals connected to a major source, manufacturers will deliver quality customer service. Customers will be able to consult, request new proposals, seek solutions or knowledge and also obtain the necessary updates on their orders. Subcontractors will be able to track, accept and update the tasks assigned to them. In addition, they will use the self-service portal to communicate with the manufacturer. All of this data can be saved in the system and retrieved for manufacturers to serve their customers. With this system, timely information is provided to all parties in a digitized manner.

System usability

Users of the internal system are similar to customers who prefer self-service platforms over mobile. Internal users require up-to-date systems that can help them improve their job performance. Up-to-date systems offer flexibility, greater insight, and speed. This enables workers to use the applications to their advantage by performing their tasks more efficiently and effectively. The system provides a conducive environment for employees to complete their tasks instead of hindering jobs. However, most manufacturing companies using AS / 400 systems cannot provide a much needed user experience. Today’s workers need an up-to-date system. Companies must comb the market and find solutions … or be helped by those who, like Hexa Ingenieros, know. There are many solutions available that companies can purchase to provide a highly advanced user experience.

Projects management

Manufacturers must meet extremely stressful, tight and strict deadlines for products to reach market. On the manufacturing line, all projects are about cost, time, and sensitivity to quality. As a result, these projects tend to be rigid and very tightly controlled. Manufacturers that miss deadlines are always at a higher risk of losing a lot in potential revenue. Such rigidity and tight control means there is less ability for companies to make adjustments as projects are ongoing. Most projects involve a design commitment that is carried out from the beginning. There is always less flexibility for adjustment as new data or change requirements emerge. This can be challenging and frustrating for a team that anticipates producing quality products. Deadlines always leave them hands tied.

Need for supply chain visibility

Manufacturers should meet the growing demand from customers for greater transparency. They must meet demand throughout the customer experience and the life of the product. For this to be achieved, there must be real-time and granular visibility throughout the supply chain. Manufacturers must know all the details. They have to know if and when products are late in reaching the market. Being up-to-date in such situations will give them an advantage to adjust or rectify the problem.

Effective Manufacturing Digital Marketing Strategy

The effective use of digital channels to drive leads and sales are some of the main digital transformation challenges facing the manufacturing industry. Many manufacturing companies struggle to be efficient, effective, and measure the impact of their marketing channels, such as ads, SEO, content strategy, or social media. One of the main challenges these companies have is their digital experience, the design of their web platforms and the presentation of their brand.]]>